When it rains it pours...

So I guess it wouldn't be out of place to tell you that my week is not going well. Not only is my lovely, beloved Canon Rebel XTI out of commission, with something I can only imagine as a mental disorder, but last night the hard drive on my ibook FAILED. Giant, giant fail written all over my life, like a bad cat macro. Le sigh. So today I wore a (really adorable, not that I can prove it) all black ensemble to the Apple store...like a widow to a wake I went! It is all gone. It is all, all, all gone, gone, gone. I back up every once in awhile with my external hard drive but to be honest I hadn't done so in a while...I know that I should have been more vigilant.  Thousands of songs, photos, and documents. Folders full of inspirational photographs that I have collected from the internet, all my saved sites, blogs, shops, and guilty pleasures are all gone. I am not sure where to start. After returning from the funeral of my little, white, sleek BFF I sat I outside for a long time letting the cold add to my suffering and self-pity. 

feel my sorrow. and my wonky eyes.
Photo 296

Off topic, while I was pining for my lost computer compiled identity, I discovered that this is what I would look like if my features were symmetrical.
Photo 294
learn something new everyday, eh?

On the positive side, I am basically starting from scratch and it feels a little good. I mean, my computer hard drive was replaced along with the top thing-a-ma-jig so it is clean and sparkly. It feels somehow appropriate that I have to start over completely as the new year comes in...I get to reorganize, re-prioritize, and remember the things I really love again. If this sounds a little heavy for some lost information on a laptop, remember that I work online, live thousands of miles from my closest good friend, take photos every single day for work or blogging...I live a lot of life on the computer, and I don't have a problem with that. My next steps are, in no particular order;

  • Music. Begin the re-downloading process. I like the idea of beginning with my top ten favorites and completing their catalogs before moving on. I have a bad habit of acquiring music on a whim then neglecting to have the complete works of bands and artists I truly love. I believe I will begin with the following artists; Spiritualized, Whiskeytown/Ryan Adams, Neutral Milk Hotel, Cat Power, Jason Molina (also as Songs:Ohia and Magnolia Electric Co.), The Kinks, Dolly Parton, Joy Division, Otis Redding, The Mountain Goats, Simon and Garfunkel, Wilco, Gram Parsons, Okkervil River, Lynyrd Skynryd, White Zombie...did I say ten? This is going to be hard.
  • Compile new and more concise collection of bookmarked blogs. No more kinda sorta sometimes fashion I like. I will only be including those I absolutely am inspired by. As many as I can remember. This is where you come in! What are your favorite fashion/street style/lifestyle blogs? Jog my memory.
  • Begin new and fresh collections of inspiration photos. Luckily I have a lot of editorials and images already uploaded to flickr. This event should also serve as just the kick in the pants I need to finally cut up all the magazines I have been saving. I have always been very precious about magazines, saving them, protecting them, displaying them...Recently, after a pile of Vogue's slid off a night stand and came close to killing my kid, I realized I am being silly. I think I honestly believe I may save them for my daughter to look at when she is my age (and obsessed with vintage, obviously). The more I think about it, the more I think she will enjoy looking at a scrapbook I made when I was young...as opposed to 400 advertisements for Ralph Lauren Collection! I am looking forward to spending some cold days sifting through pages and chop! chop! chopping! them up for a little look book of my own. It sounds therapeutic.
If you feel the need to cheer me up but don't know how, you'll be happy to know that before my computer imploded I was a busy bee, working on a birthday wish list. My 27th birthday is January 10th! You may be wondering why I am skipping the whole Christmas list thing and that is because it is considered uncouth in my family to actually ask for things you want. It ruins everything and sucks the spirit of Christmas out, just ask my mom. So, while everyone else is doing that...I am patiently waiting the arrival of my late twenties. An abbreviated list of my desires includes,

"non" necklace, headband, and mask from Emmanuelle Esther

(this one has been all over the place! So adorable!)

Chain ring, eyelash necklace, talon ring, and "faithful pantsuit" from Bona Drag

Sam Edelman ankle strapped booties
kh111408zdzd (14)

Plaid Hi-neck poncho from Nasty Gal Vintage


J Fit Digital Fitness Hula Hoop. How fun I need one!

Now I KNOW I KNOW what you're thinking. "But Sarah, these things are (for the most part) neither Vintage nor Secondhand!" To that I say yes, you're right. But I can only control myself and what I buy. I cannot control what YOU buy for ME. It is that simple. All the gifts that I give away this year will be vintage or secondhand.

Hopefully I will have photos and better news to report next time... But right now I will leave you with some shots from the greatest teenage love story ever told, better known as my weekly date with Randy (hearts! stars! fireworks!) in Valley Girl!


aaahhhh! a truer love would be hard to find...


Coco said...

valley girl is hands down one of the best movies of all time. Nicolas Cage was SO SEXY, what happenend?????

My Daily Vintage said...

"Hi, I'm Fred. I like tacos and '71 Cabernet. My favorite color is magenta."

Sorry, that is my favorite quote from that movie, haha.

I'm sorry about your laptop, I've had a computer crash on me and lost everything, it is the worst =(

Those Frye booties are love, though.

Stella said...

Aw, Sarah. Dead Ibook blows. I know how you feel, since that happened once to me. I'm going to back up my stuff right now, since I have three conference paper drafts and my thesis. o.o

As for websites: thesartorialist.blogspot.com
dooce.com (not fashion, but the woman is mad funny)

I think that's it for the recommendations...other than my blog, of course! (haha)

And I was wondering as to how gift buying/receiving went. But that jumpsuit is fabulous! I've always wanted one, but I kind of look like a pear when I try them on...

magnolia*mama said...

comment response time!!

Coco- I know. The decline of Nic Cage is...incomprehensible. He is unreal in Valley Girl, like the sexiest teenage boy to have ever lived. R.I.P. sexy randy...

MDV- "hey is this movie in 3-D??"
"No, but your face is."

missselfproclaimedartistic said...

Look what I found.
They reminded me of what you were wishing for in an earlier post :)


Unknown said...

yesss...valley girl! um, your "symmetrical" face is almost exactly like your real face ..lol. how fun!

Anonymous said...

i love that you listed both otis redding and gram pasons as the music you'll first upload. when we have a son we're planning on naming him Gram Redding.

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

I work at a radio station and would be happy to email you music. i have access to thousands of albums (classic rock/indie/etc).
my biggest fear is that my ibook will die on me, losing everything i have done in the past 5 years, so it would be a good deed to hopefully keep my own comp. alive.

Kim Grant said...

Do you remember the Sex and the City episode of Sad Mac :(

You look better Non? symetrical? You're a beautiful girl with paniche! Can't buy that stuff anywhere! Hot commodity, hot stuff!

Austin Eavesdropper said...

OMG Nic Cage (!)

Sarah, that *sucks* about your computer! I am so sorry. I giggled at the description about your "wake outfit," though. :) That's exactly how I would feel if my computer crashed.