I have just now, Friday, found the strength to think about and thus address the Magnolia Family Vintage South By Southwest experience. 5 marathon days of boothing, drinking, dust, sun, not sleeping, live music and yelling as a result of all the live music left me stranded in a haze. I was a zombie for a few days. Luckily with a steady regimen of napping, kombucha, urban detox, and Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, I have come back to the light.
Last week was definitely an amazing, magical experience and we couldn't be more grateful to Cheer Up Charlies where we set up all week, or to our friends who set up with us. Check out We Are Tribe on ebay, our girls from Kansas City, and keep your eyes peeled for Stray Cat Vintage, coming soon, which is the brainchild of Mama Tara right here in Austin. As a group we worked our asses off and I can tell you with all the authenticity in my heart, we are Hustlaaaaas! I feel like we made a kajillion new friends and I was so moved by how many of our already friends showed up and gave us their support over the week. I am still compelled to just spew thank yous over and over. I can't stop. I am a gratitude monster. I will consume you with joyful appreciation. It's just how I feeeeeeeel guys!!
We opened it up and we shut it down. We were all things to all party goers. Not to diminish the roles of the people who, you know, actually WORKED at the venue or PERFORMED music... just saying, someone had to point to the stage and the bar when weary sxsw'ers crawled in needing sustenance! and if you got cold because you were dressed for noon and it somehow turned into night? WE HAD SWEATERS! Maybe you got dressed at 8AM and your skinny jeans were melting your crotch off? WE HAD CUTOFFS! Maybe you're that one girl who lost her shoes in the dead milkmen pit. WE HAD SHOOOOOOES! I never, ever like to be dramatic. But I think we saved lives. Or at least inappropriately dressed people.
I will show you pictures! Taken between Wednesday morning and Sunday night...
I hope you enjoy!
Seacrest OUT.
i wish i was there! everybody looks so damn carefree. i love the outfits too. definitely envious.
btw i love you blog :D
holy fucking shit i want to make out with this post i love it so much. so much inspiration in those outfits! i need velvet pants and heavy blunt bangs immediately. possibly a fringe shrug. i want to go where it's sunny and warm. thanks for sharing!
style for days! wanted to be there, but the baby girl I had while you were slanging vintage was def worth me waiting till next year...and it seems like you did have enough fun for us both and then some :0)
AWE I wish i could have been there looks downright rockin'
This is incredible! Looks like a great time, I wish I could have been there!!!
wow everyone looks amazing i love the photos you got. your blog title sparked my interest because i'm not much of a pants lover myself ^-^i love your blog i'm happy i stumbled upon it if you have a minute you should check out my blog and follow if you feel the same
your newest follower http://missprettypeacock.blogspot.com/
i cannot even describe how pissed i am that i missed it.
if i could just spend a day in yalls trunks.
its all treasure!
following xx
that looks absolutely amazing! LOADS of great style there!
love love love that southwestern fringed vesty thingy.
I would raid those racks soooo hard. Damn. Wish I were there.
strawberry freckleface
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