ONCE AGAIN! Garage sale time friends...
You may be asking yourself why? Didn't you JUST have a garage sale? Why do you have so much junk, Sarah? Why are you obsessed with getting up so early on weekend mornings? Why are you so committed to bargain PROVIDING as well as bargain hunting?? And I tell you the answers are these- We moved to a smaller house since last garage sale, hence more stuff needs to GO! Our last two garage sales were thwarted by rain and road construction respectively. And of course, we as a group will take ANY and all excuses we can muster to mix up some mimosas. It's a good time had by all and I PROMISE there is gonna be some fun, useful, necessary, and just plain fun treasures for you.
What's new is the goods AND the location. I know you want to come down to South Congress Saturday morning and grab yourself some iced coffee at Jo's, then trek a short block up the hill and hit us up! Tell me you have a better idea! I dare you.
...crickets, whistling wind, etc....
I thought so.
(please don't mind the fact that I almost directly copy and pasted this from the entry I made about the LAST garage sale. *cough*)
What's new is the goods AND the location. I know you want to come down to South Congress Saturday morning and grab yourself some iced coffee at Jo's, then trek a short block up the hill and hit us up! Tell me you have a better idea! I dare you.
...crickets, whistling wind, etc....
I thought so.
(please don't mind the fact that I almost directly copy and pasted this from the entry I made about the LAST garage sale. *cough*)
some of the hippest, sweetest ladies in Austin (plus me) are hosting a good time garage sale this Saturday morning. Be there or be square. No ordinary group of garage sellers here, no sir. This is bound to be some good stuff and some great prices. I mean cheap. I mean garage sale!! We are throwing stuff into the sales pyre and you are GUARANTEED to find a treasure. Yeah, I said guaranteed... Beliiiieeeeve that.
Come get cheap and dirty with the coolest girls I know.
Saturday, June 5th
1405 Newton St.
Austin, TX 78704
8 AM sharp!
vintage clothes
not vintage clothes
and all other kinds of random goodies!!
see you there good lookin'
why aren't you closer : (
so tempting....guess i'll be up at the crack of dawn to head to austin...not really, it's only an hour drive :0)
What do you do after it is all over and you are still stuck with some stuff? This is where www.privategaragesale.com comes in handy. It was created for normal people, not businesses or internet merchants. It’s easy and free. All you have to do is type in a description, enter your ZIP code and upload a few pictures if you wish. It’s totally free and you don’t even have to disclose your email (or address) to strangers. A great way to list all your leftover stuff for sale.
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