Let's talk Swap.
Not that this needs a whole lot of explanation but success is not guaranteed at an event such as this. It takes a bit of strategy and a good attitude. Just like having fun at a house party! Don't you wish someone had given you a little primer before you learned the hard way? For example- Don't show up on time, the host/hostess will inevitably still be in the shower. Don't stand in the hallway, you'll only get bumped every time someone needs to go to the bathroom and end up with beer all over yourself. And never assume the bathroom door is locked at a house party. Ever.
A few supah exciting updates before we begin... First, somehow I failed to mention in the first blog post that this event will be a charity event benefitting Arc of Austin (all leftover items will go to their shelter) and the Texas Advocacy Project (all proceeds from The Cupcake Bar.) This is an amazing opportunity to help out two great organizations.
Next, and I could not be more giddy to say this, after a brief eek! panic! moment over DJ issues, we have secured KUT's own Laurie Gallardo as the DJ for our event!!! WHAT!? I know. That's pretty cool. As a die-hard, all day long KUT listener and Texas Music Matters fan I just died a bit inside because besides the whole DJ'ing thing I GET TO MEET HER! haha. I am a nerd for public broadcasting and this is right up my alley. And the lady knows everything you would want to know about good music so our spot will be the jam for sure. What is "the jam" you say? Show up and find out.
Not new but IMPROVED and up to date event poster!!
(feel free to share it with your friends)
Oh! And not only will be Magnolia Family Vintage be swapping awesome goods, but we have guaranteed swapping from some of Austin's favorite fashionistas!
Esti Choi of buydefinition.com!
Tiffany of Austin is Burning!
Indiana Adams of AdoredAustin.com!
and we are adding names daily. Don't doubt it, you're going to find the good stuff.
Getting on with it...
"How To Succeed at a Clothing Swap by Just Trying a Little"
- The Best of Intentions- My number one clothing swap concern lies in the spirit of the event. I want this event to be about community, fun, green-livin', and style. This is NOT - I REPEAT NOT- a chance for you to horde a bunch of stuff you plan to take and sell to Buffalo Exchange the next day. Please do not be a vulture. I can smell one a mile away and if I see you I will descend like a lioness separated from her cubs! I had a bad experience with this at my own garage sale when dozens of people arrived at dawn and indiscriminately hauled away garbage bags of the best stuff to sell at their city-wide garage sale stalls, I am sure... Before any vintage loving, real-life, stylish peoples even showed up! Call me old fashioned and hard to please but I love to see it all go to a loving home where someone will put it on and feel FLY!* Dig it, love it ,wear it.
- Nothing but Possibilities- Come in believing you could find something neat and adorable that just wasn't someone else's cup of tea. Come with hope and nothing to lose. After all, you didn't pay to get in and what you did bring to swap will go to a good cause either way. You may not find that sought after vintage Galliano cape you've always wanted. Most people don't swap that kind of schwag. Most people swap what doesn't fit, what they were into last year (could be what you're into now...) , and what they bought and never wore. I know a lot of women have said "I won't find anything in my size" and "I am too old" and to that I say shut up. Seriously. I have had it up to HERE with the wah wah. Lots of women are your size and lots of women are your age. No reason to think they won't be there too. It's just not true. Like the argument that you can't find vintage "in your size." I am living proof that that is BS. Not only do I fit my butt into it on a daily basis, I have found and sold tons of truly plus size items from the past... The point is this is not a sample sale and you have to open your mind. Never thought about belting a shirt before and wearing it as a mini-dress but your curious because you've seen it look adorable on someone else?? Well NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! You could find a belt and a shirt for free and give it a go. If it doesn't work out... well, you tried something new and there is a goodwill down the street. But you know what? I bet you look FLY**
- What to Bring- Bring anything! Almost. Bring things you at least liked at one point or someone else did (that sweater your Aunt gave you is nice but not your style...) Feel free to bring dresses, shirts, tees, sweaters, vests, pants, skirts, scarves, belts, shoes, purses, and shorts! Vintage is welcome OF COURSE and so is new and so is that period in the 90's that seems up for discussion :) There aren't a whole lot of rules here... Except, okay, just don't be gross or insulting. Don't bring it if you knew it was ugly in 1997. Don't bring it if it has stains of an unidentified origin. Or stains at all. There would be very few exceptions to this unless you can prove to me that the ketchup came right off the french fry that Jon Hamm dropped out of his own pretty mouth. Got me? A lot of people would say don't bring things that need repairing/have holes. I am of the opinion that if it is a great item otherwise, someone might want to put the ten minutes of repair time into it that you didn't! Another thing to keep in mind is that a maxi dress can be turned into a mini, long sleeves to short, things can be altered... When you get something free you're liberated to do as you wish with it. Items full of holes should be left at home unless they're those items that look so super cool with holes like jean shorts and metal tees. Word. Bring your stuff neatly folded, if possible, ideally in a resuable bag you can then use to haul off your loot in. Final word- bring stuff I would like, muahaha.
- Logistics- On the day of this event, when you show up with your bag to swap, you will receive in return a ticket for each item, up to ten. Please feel free to bring more than ten items because, as you know, any extra goes to a great cause (but please don't dump a giant bag of whatever at our feet because you figure we'll take care of it. Pick and choose what you want to swap!) Then you will proceed inside to dig around through what other people have brought. This is also the time when you get a cupcake and something to drink, in other words, the very best part! When you find and decide you want to keep something, you will give one of your tickets to a Rock N' Swap worker bee manning the table you're sifting through. You will have ten tickets so you get to take home ten items. This is how we are going to try and prevent the aforementioned vulturing.
So, are you pumped? I am. You think that up there is a whole lot of blah-blah?? It totally is. If there is one thing I know how to do, it is overthink. But then again are you a professional finder of awesome things for super cheap that other people want? I didn't think so! Since I am... I may have some insight here. I certainly do love this kind of thing and I hope to see your pretty/handsome face there...
*FLY needs to come back. I love saying it and I am going to be throwing it around a lot. It is super fun, try it. "Girl, you look FLY!" See what I mean?
**What did I tell you?
I wish I could come see all the vintage and music. Great Idea lady!! Have a blast!!
just wanted to throw this in, if you're interested. :)
i've seen swaps that use a rating system, where for instance, if i brought in something not too awesome, i would get a 1, and i could pick from the other 1s. or if i brought in that galliano cape, i would have the chance to get something equally as awesome, and not a sweater from the gap. this eliminates the aforementioned vultures bringing in crap and walking away with super fly (like that? ;) vintage/designer garb. and it also gives the people who brought in awesome stuff the chance to GET awesome stuff.
just thought i'd mention it!
great post. If you like clothes swaps thought you might also be interested in thredUP.com (online clothing swap community- think: netflix meets consignment). www.thredup.com
Thanks! karen@thredup.com
great post. If you like clothes swaps thought you might also be interested in thredUP.com (online clothing swap community- think: netflix meets consignment). www.thredup.com
Thanks! karen@thredup.com
Yay! Can't wait! It's gonna be supah fly.
hi. i bought one of your jackets on ebay back in december and i still have not received it. i've tried emailing you through ebay and no response. thought i might get a response from you through this. any word on the jacket?
Vintage 1970's black LEATHER FUR TRIMMED BELTED TRENCH item #250543467354
hey girl.
so no jacket today. did you follow up with your man on when he sent it?! i would have hoped since there was a mix up on the first attempt of shipping that you would have gotten delivery confirmation. i seriously still want that jacket. it's exactly what i was looking for. and it kinda sucks that this is happening. thank you.
I am so bummed I cannot go! Have fun for me!
hey girl.
did you get that tracking number?
I so wish I could come! My friends and I used to do this once a season when I lived close to them:( I have found some of my most exciting clothes at them! I miss it! Have fun!!!
hey girl. so you said you would get back to me yesterday in regards to the tracking number for the jacket but still no word from you. ?!?!?
I KNOW this event will be super-lovely & fabulous & I can't even begin to tell you how sad I am that I must miss it :o( PLEASE do have another one in the future!!!
just found out about this swap today! I plan to be there and will be bringing vintage and new...can't wait!
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