time machine girl crush

USCHI! Obermaier.

Arguably the most beautiful groupie.

ever? It's possible.

radical. model. mick, keith, jimmy. style maker... it's quite a resume.




Uschi Obermaier was discovered by the magazine twen. Thin and petite but feminine she represented a new type of model and exposed frontal nudity for the first time on a magazine cover.


In Munich, Obermaier was briefly involved with Pamir survivor Othello (a.k.a. Rudolf Liebzeit). Obermaier moved from Munich to the Berlin-based Kommune 1 after she had become Rainer Langhans' girlfriend. Langhans and Obermaier talked openly to the media about their relationship, becoming symbols of the sexual revolution. Some commentators in Germany claim thatJohn Lennon and Yoko Ono, among others, followed their example.

Obermaier was not viewed by most in the Ausserparlamentarische Opposition as one of their activists. She did not take part in radical feminist campaigns like other female members and friends of the Kommune 1. She was best known for appearances in German magazines Der Spiegel and Stern, in which she appeared openly nude and using marijuana.

Rainer Langhans mentions in his autobiography that he and Uschi Obermaier met Peter Green in Munich, where they invited him to their "High-Fish-Commune". They were not really interested in Peter Green. They just wanted to get in contact with Mick Taylor: Langhans and Obermaier wished to organize a "Bavarian Woodstock". They wanted Jimi Hendrix and "TheRolling Stones" to be the leading acts of their Bavarian open air festival. They needed the "Green God" just to get in contact with "The Rolling Stones" via Mick Taylor.

Obermaier probably was the best known German groupie of the 1960s. She was briefly a member of the Krautrock-band Amon Düül, and is said to have had affairs with Keith Richards, Mick Jagger and Jimi Hendrix.

(text is obviously from wikipedia... links and all.)




Uschi Obermaier sitar



Kommune 1 1969 copy

Uschi Obermaier b&w



The last two photos show Uschi with Natalia Avelon, the actress who portrayed her in the biopic Eight Miles High. It's a fun film and Uschi was involved in the entire process of making it, which lends the credibility that most biopics do not enjoy.

Uschi is in her 60's now and obviously still a stunner. She makes jewelry and lives in Topanga Canyon.

Love comes to me.

Where to start? There is nowhere to start. I just have to do it.

It's an insanely beautiful day. The last few weeks here in Austin have been stunning. Crisp air, shimmery leaves in easy wind, unaggressive sunshine... I love this weather. I love wearing tights, I love keeping the windows open and actually feeling the air move around my house, and I love having a good reason to get a toffee nut latte (whole milk AND whip cream thanks) in the afternoon. Avery will take a hot chocolate please! and sshhhh!! I say to the barista, please only enough chocolate to make the milk brown-ish, you know how it is. Indulgence is better when measured out for the sake of your mothers nerves, eh?

You should know!

My cousin got married. I wore a vintage leather trench, fur collar.


Congrats to Susan and Ky!


Avery is training to be my personal photographer. We're working on "focus."


I finishes all 60 MILES (!!!) of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day walk for Breast Cancer

Amazing experience!...

And, I won the most amazing boots on ebay.


Not only are these amazing boots but they have an amazing story! They were originally for sale over at Meat Market Vintage when I feel in love with them. I was so enamored I showed them to my husband who, seeing the longing in my eyes and knowing how happy boots make me, immediately offered to pay for half of them so I could bid with confidence!. What a catch, I know. So I watched vigilantly on the final night of bidding and was prepared to go knee deep to get them, so to speak. I had to leave my post for just a few moments to be a mommy... As you suspect, when I returned I was heartbroken to find that my boots belonged to someone else. LIVID! I was. Anyhow, I did something I haven't actually ever done before, which is to say I emailed the seller and pleaded that if anything should go wrong with the sale, would they come to me next? I made sure they knew I was willing to pay and that I believed the boots were rightfully mine, haha. It was a desperate little gesture, and being a seller myself, I knew it was a long shot. But if you can believe it, a few weeks later I got an email from the seller letting me know that the winning bidder had not paid!! They offered me the final bid price and a week later the boots were on my doorstep. Smooth suede, lots of fringe, and leopard print detailing. A grin from ear to ear... I really, really do love boots.

Other highlights include...

  1. Coming soon to a retailer near you, my very first styling credit in a NATIONAL publication! I am pretty excited and as soon as it hits news stands I will be going EEEEEEP LOOOOOK!! All over the internet.

    remember this? yay.

  2. My good friend and amazing photographer Tommy Chung has tapped me to be fashion editor for his newest project, an online lifestyle magazine "for the rest of us." The focus will be on attainable style, real-life luxuries for those of us without ocean view lofts and VIP memberships (ie the target audience for most lifestyle magazines.) I am super excited about it, and while it won't launch until Spring 2010, there will be several ways to keep up with the progress. I feel the need to reiterate IT IS SO WEIRD THAT I GET TO DO THIS NONSENSE! This Thanksgiving I will be extra grateful that I spend every day doing something I enjoy.
  3. I have my fingers crossed about an opportunity to work with the photographer Alan Foreman who lives right here in Austin and his portfolio gives me seizures. So much good. Austin isn't exactly a mecca of insane fashion photography and I kind of launched myself at the guy when I saw his work... It wasn't exactly begging but there was a lot of pllleaaaase I would looooove to style for you oh pleaaaase.
  4. I should probably keep this under wraps for a little bit longer, but I can't help myself. Keep your eyes ad ears open here and over at The Austin Eavesdropper. There is a little event being cooked up between the two of us, set to happen in late January. I won't tell you everything but I will drop you the hints Beauty Bar and FREE clothes. Get excited.

Avery and I like to drive this little road by our house, a kind of connector between two highways that passes up several farms, a cemetery, a horseback riding camp, and at least a few hundred beautiful trees! At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, it is as beautiful a scene as I have known... I may have to go out there for an impromptu photo shoot soon. I'd hate for the Texas winter-ish season to pass unappreciated.

In the meantime, I've been occasionally snapping up little bits and pieces of worn before treasures for my own personal collection...


Lace dress- vintage (er, 90's), thrifted
vintage tunic- vintage, ebay
bad ass boots- thrifted



vintage dress on left- thrifted (they put it in the "costume" section at Goodwill for a price increase! I called shenanigans to the manager and he have it to me at a discount :) ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE.)

vintage dress on the right- Feathers Vintage. Has a wonky hemline that needs sewing. Any volunteers?

Last but never, ever least.

There is some great vintage over in the Magnolia Family Vintage shop RIGHT NOW.


Picnik collage


Picnik collage


Picnik collage

Alot of items END TONIGHT.


If you love fashionable people, as I do...

And I mean the truly fashionable, the transcendent, the taste-makers...

You love them even more when they are self-deprecating and multi-dimensional.

In the spirit of this,

I love that a woman with as much prestige as she has earned is so charming and sounds like a real human... not a fashion-bot like some other editors who shall remain nameless!


joan juliet buck


You should listen to this episode and all other episodes of The Moth, a storytelling series in which various notables and regular joes alike tell true stories, without notes, to a live audience. It's an amazing program that I am addicted to. You can find out all about it at the web site and subscribe to the podcast on itunes!

And yes, I am trying to distract you until I have enough time to update with signifigance!

walkie talkie


Wish me luck if you read this.

I'm leaving RIGHT NOW for the 3-Day Breast Cancer walk in Dallas!!!

Talk to you next week if my legs do not fall off.

...well, I'd probably still be able to talk, so either way...

seacrest out xo

rock on.












the last one is my favorite.

photos by Dan Martensen.

breast friends.

What can I say?


I hope you had an amazing Halloween. I hope you astounded and confounded with your mystical disguise. I hope you made merriment and crafted a lifetime of memories. No, I really do. That's what nights like Halloween are for right?? As you can see from the photos above, I spent the post-trick or treating hours of Halloween in my living room. Husband and I ate buffalo spaghetti and watched scary movies. We are known party animals, it's the truth.

But that's not what this post is about. This post is about BREASTS.


Weeeeelll, specifically breast appreciation and preservation in the form of ME (and my breasts) walking the (60 MILE!!) Breast Cancer 3-Day walk for the Susan G Komen Foundation next weekend in Dallas. I meant to talk about this ages ago, as I have been prepping for it for ages. As a matter of fact, I walked my butt 10 miles just today along the sparkly banks of town lake here in Austin. It's been awesome spending the summer, and the beginning of the fall, outside, by the river...

I am not proud of the fact that I have never been a particularly involved kinda gal. I don't march, I don't protest, I usually just don't participate in causes at all (unless you count mouthing off? I do that fairly regularly). This is my first real foray into actively stepping out, sacrificing, and making an effort to help. I have worked really hard getting ready for this and I am really excited.

We cannot escape the fact that cancer of all kinds is taking our friends, our family, our co-workers, our idols, our mentors, and our children away from us at an astounding rate. Recently, in my own family, cancer has hit like an anvil. I myself am at extremely high risk to develop breast cancer because of genetic predisposition* and breast size. Now, this is disturbing because I LIKE my boobs and desire to keep them AND live a long, healthy life. Without a cure, you and me and our mothers and sisters and daughters are all walking around with time bombs strapped to our chests. I would love to see my beautiful little girl get to grow up in a world where she doesn't have to be afraid of her own boobs. So here I am, entering the world of doing my part. And don't be fooled! 60 miles is a loooooong walk. And I am happy to do it for such a good cause. I will be walking with my mother, my aunt, and my cousin.

I abhor soliciting money, especially from strangers. But that is what I am here to do. Any donation you can afford to give to this cause would be AMAZINGLY appreciated. I have not reached my goal of $2300 yet and I need your help. Any amount at all will be a huge measure of generosity. $5 will put a smile in my heart and be a step in the direction of my goal, $2300!!

Help me reach my goal for the Dallas/Fort Worth Breast Cancer 3-Day!

I have been slacking on blogging and all kinds of things to get ready for this. If you're wondering why I haven't shown off any of my (yes, awesome) thrifted finds lately, it is mostly because I have been spending a whole lot time in workout pants and pink walking shoes. But alas, there is hope. I have a whole BOATLOAD of news and excitement and treasures to blog about... As soon as this walk is over :)

Again, thank you to all of you who are reading this and to anyone who can donate. I will take a ton of pictures and think about you (and your breasts) while I trek. xo

p.s. Do you have ANY idea how long I searched for a tasteful, vintage-y, implied nudity, breast focused photo to include in this post? Something is either wrong with my internet skills or the internet itself, I tell ya.

*I recently considered getting screened for the breast cancer gene after listening to one woman's inspiring account of finding out she had it and subsequently removing her own breasts (listen to it here). Unfortunately, it turns out that if I do test positive for it, I would be screwed because my insurance company would then consider it a "pre-existing condition" and likely fail to cover my treatment. You heard me right.

Yea, our health care system is fiiiiiine.